21. Inside the Troll’s Cave
With that out the way, they headed toward the cave’s entrance, Jenna floating gracefully, and Rosella
once again wearing her favorite heels
Inside, she stood up, brushing leaves off her dress. Licking her hands, she ran them up and down her legs,
desperately trying to remove any mud from her white stockings. After her catlike actions, Rosella was
satisfied she had cleaned up. She was standing in a tiny globe of light, a magical aura emanating from the
fairy Jenna. Beyond a couple of feet, Rosella could see absolutely nothing in the darkness. She shivered
and took a step back, knocking over a piece of wood that had been leaning against the wall. It clattered
overwhelmingly loud in the vacuum like silence of the cave.
“Shhh!” exclaimed the little fairy. Squeezing her eyes shut and gritting her teeth against her clumsiness,
Rosella glanced down and recognized she had knocked over a familiar board. She had used it to cross a
seemingly bottomless chasm that awaited an unsuspecting victim in the darkness not far inside this very
cave. She would certainly need it again to avoid a treacherous fate. Picking it up in tender hands, she
frowned at its rough splintery texture, but assured herself the discomfort far outweighed the consequences
of leaving it behind.
“Sorry,” Rosella apologized for her clumsiness. What Rosella did not see was the lantern. On her
previous journey through the cave she had found her way with a modest lantern that painted each step
before her with a flickering light. Whoever had passed though the cave after her, had left the board, but not
the lantern. Without it, she would be engulfed in blinding darkness after only several steps. And the silent
chasm was not the only danger that awaited victims in this cave. There was a vicious troll that patrolled
the darkness. Who knew what he would do if he caught the poor princess! Rosella said a silent “thank
you” to herself grateful for the magical light surrounding Jenna. Rosella knew she had to pass this cavern in
order to rescue Genesta and her fairies from Lolotte’s evil plans, but couldn’t do it without the help of
Jenna’s light.
Making a promise to each other to be as silent as possible the two companions had to decide which
direction to go. Rosella tried to remember the correct path that would lead them safely to the other side.
After all, there was a deep chasm and a vicious troll out there! With Jenna floating around the slender
princess’s feet they headed…