21a. Wrong Turn!
Thinking this to be the right direction, Rosella took timid steps in her heels, watching the ground in the
low light of Jenna’s glow.  Her ears strained to hear anything at all, praying for absolute silence.  Perhaps it
was the fragrance of her blonde washed hair, the scent of her perfume, or the clicks of her heels, but to her
regret Rosella heard a guttural growl and dragging footsteps.  It must be the troll!  In her panic, Rosella
tried to flee, but Jenna flew about in disarray, causing her magical light to strobe.  The terrified princess
couldn’t seem to move fast enough in the confusing light, but it was too late anyway.  In her high heels, she
couldn’t have hoped to outrun the subterranean troll in the natural darkness.  It raised its terrible club and
struck down.  Rosella found herself in immediate darkness.  Jenna was gone!  What had happened?  Where
was Jenna?  The questions were echoes of terror in her head as she stood still, hugging herself, trembling in
the pitch black.
“Jenna?” she dared to ask in a mousy voice.  Rosella was answered by the deep growl from behind.  She
spun on her heel, finding two green glowing eyes in her small beautiful face.  Her blue eyes grew into
saucers and she screamed, tripping as she backed up in fear.  Rosella landed roughly on her backside,
scrambling to get away, never losing sight of the wicked green eyes.  And then the green lights went out.  
And Rosella found herself alone in the dark.  Her heart pounded so loud and so fast, it threatened to give
out.  Stray blonde hairs lay across her face, resting on her uncontrollably trembling jaw.
The silence and calm threatened to overtake the petrified young princess.  What happened to its green
eyes?  Where was it?  The suspense proved too much for Rosella, as she let out a whimper of fright.  A
powerful and nasty hand grabbed onto her slender exposed ankle and pulled, drawing an onslaught of
screams in protest from her.  With a grunting tug, the troll tried to pull on the princess’s leg, but despite its
firm grip, her smooth nylon clad leg slipped through.  A wave of elation came over Rosella as she saw a
glimmer of escape, but her hopes were crushed when the troll’s jagged nails snagged on the toe seam of her
stockings, trapping her.  The troll paused for a moment in confusion, but then stretched the strange nylon
fabric further and wrapped it around his hand.  Tugging, he dragged the newly bound princess bumping
along the cave floor.
With panic levels at an all time high, Rosella feverishly tried to work her stockings down her slender legs.  
If she could manage to roll them down and off the end of her toes, she would be free, and might be able to
run away from the befuddled vicious troll.  But she was so scared about where it was that she was being
dragged to, and afraid that she wouldn’t get free in time, that she only managed to work her stockings
around her ankles before her precious time was up.
The troll dragged her into a small den dimly lit by torches.  The
trembling princess could see the huddled forms of several more
trolls like the one that dragged her here, all with the same wicked
green eyes.  They circled the perimeter of the room, just outside the
light, watching her with those eyes.  She might have tried to crawl
away, but her skinny limbs had no courage, and thus no strength.
She had little time to adjust to her dimly lit surroundings before one of the trolls came up from behind and
hoisted her screaming into the air.  Rosella was forced, kicking and screaming into a small wooden cage
hanging above a large cauldron.  There was a crackle of wood, the smell of smoke, and heat coming from
below that really caused the young princess to panic.  A crank was turned as the dangling girl was
lowered into the bubbling waters.  Serving size Rosella: one family of trolls.  Delicious!
-The End